Add reporting to Bamboo

Learn how to add Perfecto Smart Reporting to Bamboo.

Group tests by job and build in the Report Library

To view tests grouped by continuous integration system job and build in the Report Library, you need to provide the job name and build number into reporting as system variables. This enables you to group your test executions in reporting first by job name and then by build number, providing you a complete overview of the build quality.

Add Bamboo job parameters

Bamboo provides some default variables, such as job name, build number, or plan name. For the complete list of Bamboo variables, see here.
You can use Bamboo variables to provide the Job Name and Job Number parameters to the Smart Reporting feature.
To access these variables, use the following format within your code: 


Instead of variableName, use shortJobName and buildNumber to retrieve both and then pass them to the Reporting Client.

Supply Maven or Ivy parameters

If you run your tests using Maven or Ivy, add the following JVM parameters and (optionally) the Report-tags parameter, as follows:

-Dreportium-job-name=${bamboo.shortJobName} -Dreportium-job-number=${bamboo.buildNumber} -Dreportium-job-branch=${myBranch} -Dreportium-tags=${myTag} 

You need to supply the myTag and myBranch values (see Add variables below). Bamboo automatically supplies the bamboo.shortJobName and bamboo.buildNumber values.

To add CustomField pairs, use the following format:


To locate your parameters:

  1. In Bamboo, in your Build Dashboard list, find your project and click it. The page with the plan summary opens.
  2. In the top right corner, click the gear icon and select Plan Configuration.
  3. In the middle of the page, on the Stages tab, under Default Stages, click your job. The new page loads.
  4. On the Tasks tab, click Maven. Your Maven configurations display in the right panel, including your goals.
  5. Add your parameters here: 

    -Dreportium-job-name=${bamboo.shortJobName} -Dreportium-job-number=${bamboo.buildNumber} 
    Tip: Give your job a descriptive name, for example -Dreportium-job-name=DesktopSmokeTestorDesktopFullRegressions. If you do not change the job name, Bamboo assigns a default name, which is "Default Job". Imagine how hard would it be if you had 10 jobs named Default Job, Default Job 2, and so on, and 3 different teams using that Dashboard.

    If you use Quantum, you do not need to change or add anything in your code. In Quantum environments, this is done by default. You only need to configure your Bamboo job.

Add variables - tags

Bamboo provides a way to inject variables and use them in your project with the Bamboo Inject Variables Plugin.

To do this, add a new Inject Bamboo variables task and specify the path to the properties file from your source control (Git/svn).

The properties file should be in the following format:
