CI Jenkins with Quantum

Learn how to deploy Jenkins as a Continuous Integration (CI) tool in your environment and observe test runs from the CI Dashboard in the Test Analysis view. Ideally, this configuration is performed by your Jenkins administrator. If there is no Jenkins administrator in your organization, perform the following steps yourself. This procedure uses a Hyper-V virtual machine. The code is uploaded to GitLab. If you have already deployed Jenkins, you can skip the first step.

For more details on integrating with Jenkins, see Add reporting to Jenkins.

Unlike with your other Perfecto projects, Quantum contains the code needed for CI enablement by default. It is part of the Listeners placed in the support project. You only need to pass the information from the Jenkins, Bamboo, or CI server you are using, as indicated in the following image.

Important: This document includes references to a third-party product, Jenkins. The user interface and usage of third-party products are subject to change without notice. For the latest published information about Jenkins, see

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Download and install Jenkins.
  2. Add the following plugins to Jenkins:
  3. Install Git for Windows and JDK.
  4. (Optional) Install Notepad++.
  5. Configure the settings for Git and Maven:

    • Git: Provide the path to the Git executable. For example: C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe

    • Maven: Select to install automatically and specify the Apache version to install from.

  6. Create a new item, enter an item name, and mark it as a Maven project.

  7. On the General tab, select This project is parameterized. For better visibility, you can also add your own tag.

  8. On the Source Code Management, enter the URL to the source.

  9. On the Build tab, provide the name of the root POM file and the following goals and options:

    clean install -Dreportium-job-name=${JOB_NAME} -Dreportium-job-number=${BUILD_NUMBER} -Dreportium-job-branch=${GIT_BRANCH} -Dreportium-tags=${myTag}
  10. Run the Build and check the CI Dashboard in your Perfecto cloud. Following is a sample URL where <your-cloud> is the name of your tenant: https://<your-cloud>