Connection errors on Android devices

If all indications work, but the device fails to connect, verify that you have the latest version of the DevTunnel service installed. To be sure, download the latest version and reinstall the service.

Connection error messages

The error messages listed in the following table may appear during the connection process:

Error message What you should do

There was a problem with your stunnel key

Reinstall the latest version of DevTunnel:

  1. Click More > Download DevTunnel and run the (downloaded) executable.

  2. After installation completes, rerun DevTunnel.

STunnel key file does not exist (Mac only)

Local Stunnel server not running!

On Mac:

  1. Make sure Stunnel is running by executing the following:

    'ps -ax | grep stunnel' 
  2. If Stunnel is not running, start it by executing stunnel in a terminal window.
  3. If Stunnel is running, verify the stunnel configuration file (/usr/local/etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf) is correct.
  4. Re-install the DevTunnel package if necessary.

On Windows:

  1. Make sure Stunnel is running by executing:

    'tasklist | findstr stunnel'
  2. If Stunnel is not running, start it by executing:

    < installation folder>/stunnel/bin/stunnel.exe
  3. If stunnel is running, verify:

    1. The Stunnel configuration file (<DevTunnel installation folder>/stunnel/config/stunnel.conf) is correct.

    2. The Stunnel (<DevTunnel installation folder>/stunnel/bin/stunnel.exe) is added to the anti-virus exceptions list.

  4. Re-install the DevTunnel package, if necessary.

    The default DevTunnel installation folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\DevTunnel.

There was a problem with your local stunnel client

Inspect the DevTunnel log files for indications of the problem:

On Windows: (default location) C:\Program Files (x86)\DevTunnel\devtunnelhelper.log

On Mac: /usr/local/etc/stunnel/sshLog.out or /usr/local/etc/stunnel/devtunnelhelper.log

Contact Perfecto Support.

Corrupt stunnel configuration

The Stunnel configuration file does not match the workstation-Perfecto Lab pairing.

Reinstall the DevTunnel package.

Performance issues

Running Android Studio alongside a DevTunnel session may cause performance issues. The problem arises from Android Studio's constant requests for information on all debuggable processes, putting strain on the server and resulting in reduced performance.

This issue was observed with Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1.