Copy a test

You can easily reuse a test by copying it. This is helpful when you want to use the test as the basis for a new test or as is in another project.

If you copy the test into the same project, the original test and the copy remain connected: Changes made to the name or binding of the original test will affect the copied test, and vice versa. However, changes made to the action (for example, click or check element text) or the data of the original test will not affect the copied test, and vice versa.

If you copy a test into a different project, the test is independent of the original.

To copy a test:

  1. Access the Tests view.
  2. Move the pointer over the test row and select the copy icon on the right.
  3. In the Copy Test dialog box, specify the new test name.
  4. Select the project for the test.
  5. Click COPY.