Legacy | DigitalZoom report authoring

Use the three new UFT commands to interact with the DigitalZoom Reporting service to generate the new report for your tests.


Test start

Use this command at the start of your test script to define the tags associated with the test. These tags are used to identify the specific report in the report repository listing.

PerfectoLab("lab_id:=lab").TestStart "name=reportName"[,"tags=my test tag","jobName=testJob ","jobNumber=66","projectName=reportiumTest ","projectVersion=1"]


Parameter Type Description
name mandatory string used to identify the report.
tags optional string provides a tag to be associated with the report, can be used to search for report in Repository.
jobName optional string associates the report to a particular user job
jobNumber optional  integer associated with the jobName to identify specific report.
projectName optional string associates the report to a particular project.
projectVersion optional  integer associated with projectName to identify specific report.

Optional changes (but highly recommended)

Test Step

Command used to designate the start of a new step in the test script. Each step is reported in the report and provides access to a particular segment of the report video. In addition, steps make it easier to follow the flow of the test execution.

PerfectoLab("lab_id:=lab").TestStep "name=stepName"


Parameter Type Description
name mandatory string used to identify the step in the report.

Test End

Command used to notify the reporting service that the test execution has finished and the status to report for the test.

PerfectoLab("lab_id:=lab").TestEnd "success=true|false"[,"failureDescription=string"]


Parameter Type Description
success mandatory true or false indicates the status to report for the test.
failureDescription optional string provides detail of what went wrong in the test.

failureDescription should not be included if success = true.

Code Sample

For a complete UFT sample, see Legacy | UFT DigitalZoom Reporting sample.

GitHub Samples

Browse the Perfecto GitHub repo for complete reporting samples: https://github.com/PerfectoCode/Reporting-Samples/tree/master/UFT