Quantum driver names and capabilities

Learn about Quantum-specific driver names and capabilities.

Driver names

The driver name in Quantum specifies the driver type to be used. This is defined by the driver.name variable. You can set this variable in the application.properties file or in the XML test definition, as follows:

  • driver.name=perfectoDriver

    perfectoDriver allows you to load the AppiumDriver classes defined by the driverClass property in env.resources dirs. This is good for testing hybrid and mobile apps.

  • driver.name=perfectoRemoteDriver 

    perfectoRemoteDriver must be used if you plan to test remote Web cradles with desktop browsers or browsers on mobile devices.


Perfecto extends the Selenium capabilities to select a device. Appium capabilities (install app, and so on) are also supported. 

When you use Quantum, capabilities are defined within the TestNG XML and the application properties file, and not inside the test.

The application properties contain general capabilities for use in all tests. TestNG contains device- and test-specific capabilities.

The properties in the following table are available to set driver capabilities, listed here in order of priority.





Driver name specific capability configuration



Driver name specific capability configuration


Capability applied to all driver names


Capability applied to all driver names


The following sections provide usage examples. For additional information, see Setting driver capabilities in the QMetry Automation Framework documentation.

Usage examples

Set an individual capability for a specific driver


Example Explanation
perfecto.capabilities.deviceName = 1547697078988 The driver.name key will be perfectoDriver or perfectoRemoteDriver.
appium.capabilities.automationName = Appium The driver.name key will be appiumDriver or appiumRemoteDriver.

Set all capabilities for a specific driver



appium.additional.capabilities = {'user':'user1@perfectomobile.com','password':'password','automationName':'Appium','applicationName':'Calculator'}


The driver.name key will be appiumDriver or appiumRemoteDriver.

Enable device audio recording

When attempting to use the Start Audio Recording command within a Quantum framework script, you may encounter the following error message: HANDSET_ERROR: No audio stream for cradle

To use the audio capabilities of a device, they must first be enabled as part of the capabilities. For Quantum, this means we must add the audioPlayback capability to the TestNG configuration file under the device capabilities at the Test level. 


<parameter name="driver.additional.capabilities" value="{'audioPlayback':true}" />

The code below would enable audio capabilities for an iPhone device for the test IOS Calc Test.


Sample code that enables audio capabilities for an iPhone device

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name="Appium Demo Suite" verbose="0" parallel="tests">
        <listener class-name="com.quantum.listeners.QuantumReportiumListener"/>
    <!-- To use actual AppiumDriver classes defined    -->
    <!-- by driverClass property in env.resources dirs -->
    <!-- Set driver.name value to perfectoDriver       -->
    <parameter name="driver.name" value="perfectoDriver"/>
    <test name="IOS Calc Test" enabled="true">
        <parameter name="driver.capabilities.model" value="iPhone.*"></parameter>
        <parameter name="driver.additional.capabilities" value="{'audioPlayback':true}" />
        <parameter name="env.resources" value="src/main/resources/ios"/>
                <include name="@appium"/>
            <class name="com.qmetry.qaf.automation.step.client.gherkin.GherkinScenarioFactory"/>
    <test name="Android Calc Test" enabled="true">
        <parameter name="driver.capabilities.model" value="Galaxy S.*"></parameter>
        <parameter name="env.resources" value="src/main/resources/android"/>
                <include name="@appium"/>
            <class name="com.qmetry.qaf.automation.step.client.gherkin.GherkinScenarioFactory"/>