Quantum framework introduction

Quantum is Perfecto's automation framework, designed to give you everything you need from a framework (based on QAF) with built-in seamless Perfecto integration. Quantum provides TestNG integration for execution management, the ability to write BDD scripts, and a wide range of pre-built commands. Quantum is a free, open-source framework download from GitHub and can be extended as needed.

In the world of ensuring quality for digital applications (mobile, web), Perfecto recognizes the challenges of:

  • Building a robust, sustainable, continuous-quality solution that enables product innovation and acceleration of time to market (agile)
  • Enabling testers with varying skill sets to be productive in building the required testing components
  • Providing visibility to decision-makers regarding the quality of the application on an ongoing basis

The fundamentals of a test automation framework need to enable testers to do the following:

  • Build sustainable automation scripts
  • Accelerate execution cycles via optimized planning of script executions across resources (devices, browsers) in a scalable manner
  • Leverage a reliable testing lab in the cloud that provides coverage of the latest application features
  • Distribute visibility of the app quality to decision-makers and developers through a robust top-to-bottom reporting solution

Quantum enables testers to achieve these goals. It facilitates:

  • Easy environment setup: Lab access, user authentication, and driver management
  • Test creation: BDD for easy-to-use English-phrased steps and application objects, and a more simple-to-use environment for Java-skilled users
  • Result analysis:  Perfecto Smart Reporting incorporated into the test for analysis of test executions, with no intervention required by the test writer
  • Data Driven mechanism: Support of commonly used data formats, like XML and CSV
  • Device management: Support of smart wait for devices, including queuing and retry mechanisms
  • Perfecto pre-defined BDD steps, including all Perfecto Mobile actions as Java and Cucumber utilities

We provide the following resources:

  • For information on dependencies and a basic procedure that explains how to get Quantum up and running on the community samples provided, see our Quantum Starter Kit documentation.
  • For comprehensive, self-paced online training, see our Quantum course.
  • To provide input and contribute code, visit the Quantum framework on GitHub. 

To get started with the Quantum Starter Kit on your local client, expand and perform the following procedures.

Important: This document includes references to a third-party product, Eclipse IDE. The user interface and usage of third-party products are subject to change without notice. For the latest published information about Eclipse IDE, see https://www.eclipse.org/documentation.

If your organization has network restrictions in place that prevent you from accessing the download link for the QAF BDD plugin, expand and perform the following alternative procedure to set up the plugin in Eclipse offline.

With Eclipse, you also need to install the Eclipse TestNG Plugin. For download information and installation steps, see https://testng.org/doc/download.html.

In addition, IntelliJ IDEA users should install the Cucumber Plugin (Community version only). IntelliJ IDEA version 7 and later already includes the TestNG Plugin.

If, after installing the plugin, you are not able to navigate to the step definition code, you also need to install the Cucumber for Groovy Plugin.