Release 21.6

New user management APIs

Added new APIs that facilitate the following user management operations:

  • Create, update, and delete a user

  • Find users

These APIs are now the preferred way of managing users.

For more information on these APIs, see User Management Operations.

Repository tags

Added the option to add tags to files in the Perfecto Repository. With this enhancement, you can now add tags when you upload or edit a file.

The Repository view displays tags in a dedicated column. You can search for tags here and during live testing in the Manual Testing view, when you perform tasks that allow you to browse to a file in the repository: installing an app, injecting an image or audio file, and performing image analysis. You can also view all tags associated with a file in the repository by moving the pointer over the tag icon associated with the file, as shown in the following image.

In addition, the new Get Tags REST API allows you to retrieve a list of tags per tenant, up to 2000 items. The following APIs now also support tags:

Object locator validation

Introduced object locator validation through Object Spy for native and web applications. This feature allows you to validate object locators during test creating to make sure they are strong. Strong locators are an important component for reliable tests.

Watch this short video to see how it works.

Assets and Setup enhancement

Added a timestamp and refresh option to the Admin views (Users and Devices) under Assets and Setup. The refresh option only updates the current view.

Appium upgrade notice

Perfecto plans to upgrade its Appium server to version 1.20.2 in the next few months. Appium 1.20.2 includes the following breaking changes for iOS (XCUITest):

  • Support over Xcode 10.2, iOS 12.2 (drop supporting Xcode 10.0 and 10.1)

  • accessibility id, name and id lookup strategies now find elements by name(wdName) attributes in the page source (see WebDriverAgent#414).

    • Previously, they found elements by name(wdName) and value(wdValue).

      Workaround: You can work around the find elements by name(wdName) attributes issue by adding the capability useLegacyFindByName to your scripts. This should make the scripts work as before. If this workaround fails, contact Perfecto Support and request to downgrade your cloud (private clouds only).

    • Use predicate strategy to find the value(wdValue) attribute (see this change).

For more details, see

Deprecation notices

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 is deprecated for accessing the Perfecto UI, effective immediately.
  • Microsoft Edge versions 14-18 will be deprecated for desktop web testing on May 16, 2021.

Test framework support

Perfecto’s Cypress SDK now supports Cypress version 7.2.0. This version is cached. For details, see our Cypress documentation.

Platform support

Support for the following new device platforms is now available.

  • Android 12 Developer Preview 2, with the limitation of secured screens
  • iOS 14.6 Beta 2
    The following Apple limitation applies: Connecting to an application's UIWebView crashes the application, even when accessed through the Safari developer menu. The limitations of iOS 13 versions still apply.
  • iOS 14.5.1 GA for Appium scripts and UI live tests
    he following Apple limitation applies: Connecting to an application's UIWebView crashes the application, even when accessed through the Safari developer menu. The limitations of iOS 13 versions still apply.