TeamCity with Quantum

Learn how to deploy JenBrains TeamCity as Continuous Integration in your environment and observe the test runs from the CI Dashboard in the Test Analysis view. This procedure uses a Hyper-V virtual machine. The code is uploaded to GitLab. If you have already deployed TeamCity, you can skip the first steps.

Important: This document includes references to a third-party product, JetBrains TeamCity. The user interface and usage of third-party products are subject to change without notice. For the latest published information about JetBrains TeamCity, see

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Download and install the required tools:

  2. Restart the TeamCity VM.
  3. Access the console (the URL depends on your settings).
  4. Create a new project.

  5. Set up your project:

    1. If prompted for Maven settings, install the Maven support plugin.

    2. Click Build Step.

    3. Provide the following information:

      • Runner type: Maven

      • Execute step: If all previous steps finished successfully

      • Goals: clean test

      • Additional Maven command line parameters: 

        -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true -Dreportium-job-name=”%env.TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME%-Dreportium-job-number=%env.BUILD_NUMBER% -Dreportium-job-branch=”%myBranch%-Dreportium-tags=”%myTag%
  6. Run the Build and check the CI Dashboard in your Perfecto cloud. Following is a sample URL where <your-cloud> is the name of your tenant: https://<your-cloud>