Validate an action

Validation actions are the most common acceptance criteria available. You can validate text, the browser, if an element exists, and so on.

To validate an element on the screen:

  1. Make sure the execution is running and on a breakpoint. 
  2. If the execution is not on a breakpoint, add a breakpoint: Click the circle to the left of a test step and then wait until the test has reached that step and paused.
  3. Click the element in the browser UI that you want to validate.
  4. From the quick action bar, select an available validation action, such as the Check element text icon or the Check element present icon. You can also click the 3 dots icon for more options.
  5. If the Add Flow Element dialog box opens, you may need to provide more information, such as the exact text to verify, and then click ADD.
  6. Verify that the validation step was added to the left pane. The test should immediately proceed and display a checkmark next to the new step.