watir (Web Application Testing in Ruby) framework

The following script launches the IKEA website, logs in, navigates to the Ireland country site and home store, and then iterates across all the special offers for that store to ensure that the links take you to the correct landing page. At the end, the script logs out of the site and then launches a local web browser to take you to the Perfecto Single Test Report for that script run.

The script is written in Ruby and uses the watir (Web Application Testing in Ruby) framework. To view the code, go to the following Perfecto sample project in GitHub: IKEAHappyWATIR.rb

For more information on watir, see http://watir.com/guides/.


Watir sample script

require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'watir-webdriver'
require 'uri'
require 'set'
require 'win32/registry'
require 'launchy'

puts "Testing Watir Webdriver with Perfecto"# Input capabilities
  Win32::Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER.open('ENVIRONMENT') do |reg|
    @user_id = reg['PM_USERID']
    @password = reg['PM_PASSWORD']
    @host = reg['PM_CLOUD']
deviceid = "your-device-id"puts "deviceid = " + deviceid

    caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.new
    caps["browserName"] = "MobileOS"    caps["host"] = @host
    caps["user"] = @user_id
    caps["password"] = @password
    caps["deviceName"] = deviceid
    caps["takesScreenshot"] = true

$driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for(:remote,
:url => "http://demo.perfectomobile.com/nexperience/perfectomobile/wd/hub",
:desired_capabilities => caps)

puts "capabilities = " + caps.to_s

#set test parameters
@siteURL = "www.ikea.com"@region = "Europe"@country = "Ireland"@store = "Dublin"@ik_user = "andyw@perfectomobile.com"@ik_pass = "Mypassw0rd!"@loggedIn = false

def teardown()
  if !($driver.nil?)
    puts "\n ***** Teardown *****\n"       if !($browser.nil?) 
          if @loggedIn

def getReport
  repCaps = $driver.capabilities
  @WTReportURL = repCaps["windTunnelReportUrl"]
  puts "Report URL: " + @WTReportURL.to_s

def logOut
  #Click the IKEA Menu
  $browser.element(:xpath, '//i[contains(@class, "ikea_menu")]').click
  #Click Your Profile
  $browser.element(:xpath, '/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[2]/a[1]/span[2]').click     
  #Click Logout

  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath
  $browser.element(:xpath, '/html[1]/body[1]/div[3]/div[3]/section[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/form[1]/a[1]').click
  #Press the Home Button on the test device
  params = {}
  $driver.execute_script('mobile:handset:ready', params)
  @loggedIn = false


  # creates the $browser object applying the remote webdriver profile to an instance of Watir webdriver
  $browser = Watir::Browser.new $driver

  # goes to IKEA front page
  #select Region
  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath, '//A[contains(text(),"' + @region + '")]').exists? }
  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath, '//A[contains(text(),"' + @region + '")]').visible? }
  $browser.element(:xpath => '//A[contains(text(),"' + @region + '")]').click

  #select Country
  #scroll to country if not visible
  params = {
      :content => @country,
      :scrolling => 'scroll',
      :threshold => 100,
      :maxscroll => 20,
      :next => "SWIPE_UP",
      :report => "none"  }
  $driver.execute_script('mobile:checkpoint:text', params)
  #now click the required country
  $browser.element(:xpath => '//A[contains(text(),"' + @country + '")]').click

  #Log In
  #Click the IKEA Menu
  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath, '//i[contains(@class, "ikea_menu")]').exists? }
  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath, '//i[contains(@class, "ikea_menu")]').visible? }
  $browser.element(:xpath, '//i[contains(@class, "ikea_menu")]').click
  #Click Login
  $browser.element(:xpath, '/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[2]/li[1]/a[1]').click
  #set Userid
  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath, '(//input[@id="login-email"])[1]').exists? }
  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath, '(//input[@id="login-email"])[1]').visible? }
  $browser.element(:xpath, '(//input[@id="login-email"])[1]').send_keys(@ik_user)

  #set Password
  $browser.element(:xpath, '(//input[@id="login-password"])[1]').send_keys(@ik_pass)

  #Click the Login Button
  $browser.element(:xpath, '/html[1]/body[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/form[1]/p[1]/a[1]').click 
  @loggedIn = true
  #Set Store
  #Click the IKEA Menu
  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath, '//i[contains(@class, "ikea_menu")]').exists? }
  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath, '//i[contains(@class, "ikea_menu")]').visible? }
  $browser.element(:xpath, '//i[contains(@class, "ikea_menu")]').click

  #Click the required Store
  $browser.element(:xpath, '(//a[@id="IKEA-Module-Header-Default-_EntranceLinks-store-link"])[1]').click
  #Get Offers

  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath
  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath
  $browser.element(:xpath, '/html[1]/body[1]/div[3]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/ul[1]/li[2]/a[1]').click
  articles = '//article/div/a'
  Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath, articles).exists? }

  itemDescs = '//article/div/a/p/span'
  descXpathTgt = "//SPAN[contains(@class,'pie-description')][1]"  elements = $browser.elements(:xpath, articles)
  elements2 = $browser.elements(:xpath, itemDescs )
  elementsCount = elements2.size
  myIterator = 2
  remainingOffers = true
    ind = myIterator.to_s
    clickXpath = "/html[1]/body[1]/div[3]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/article[" + ind + "]/div[1]/a[1]"    descXpath  = 
"/html[1]/body[1]/div[3]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/article[" + ind + "]/div[1]/a[1]/p[1]/span[1]"    
    element = $browser.element(:xpath, descXpath)
    itemDesc1 = element.text
    puts deviceid + "->Desc1: " + itemDesc1

    element = $browser.element(:xpath, clickXpath)
    Watir::Wait.until { $browser.element(:xpath, descXpathTgt).exists? }
    element = $browser.element(:xpath, descXpathTgt)
    itemDesc2 = element.text 
    puts deviceid + "->Desc2: " + itemDesc2
    if itemDesc1 == itemDesc2
      puts deviceid + "->PASS: Descriptions Match"    else
      puts deviceid + "->FAIL: Descriptions DO NOT Match"    end
    itemDesc1 = ""    itemDesc2 = ""  
    if myIterator <= elementsCount
      myIterator = myIterator + 1
       remainingOffers = false
      puts "*********** no more offers ********************"    end
 end while remainingOffers 


  puts "End of IKEA Happy Flow"rescue