
Perfecto is a testing platform for web and mobile apps.
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This includes information about DevTunnel, Perfecto Connect, working with sensory input, performance testing, and much more.

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What’s New in Perfecto 24.4?

This release introduces enhancements to:

  • Scriptless Mobile: The widgets pane for an open device showcases a new look and feel, making it easier to navigate and find widgets, and allows opening multiple devices at once.
  • Failure reasons: For more efficient root cause analysis, a new category and additional failure reasons are now available.
  • DevTunnel: The Windows version of Installer now includes proxy configuration options, enabling the use of in environments that require a proxy to access local resources.
  • Support Ticket creation: Clicking the Contact support option now directly opens a New Case form in the Perforce Community Portal that is prepopulated with essential user information.

This release also adds support for new platform versions for real and virtual devices as well as new test framework and browser versions.

24.4 Release notes Latest Updates

Perfecto overview

Get an overview of Perfecto services. Learn how to access the Perfecto UI and choose a workflow.

Perfecto overview

Learn how to perform automated testing with Perfecto.

Automation testing

Learn how to select and operate devices during live testing.

Manual testing

Learn how to create stable test automation without needing to code.

Scriptless Mobile Scriptless Web

Learn how to quickly navigate within your latest build execution and identify potential problems.

Test analysis

Perfecto integrates with many of the tools that are already part of your DevOps toolchain.

Automation tools CI tools Project & test management tools Performance & load testing tools