Legacy | User & Accounts Operations

Access to devices in a Perfecto Lab requires a User. Therefore, when setting up the system, create both a User and an Account for each person. Use the Create User & Account operation that creates both and the association between them. In the legacy Perfecto UI, the user needed at least one token in its associated Account.

Some parameters in this section are marked as deprecated in the latest Perfecto UI.

User and Account Information

The User holds the following information about the user:

  • Credentials and permissions such as their username, password, groups, and roles
  • Personal information such as their name, address, phone, and email
  • System information such as the authentication method and last login

The Account holds the billing information for the user, including the payment method. In the legacy Perfecto UI, it would also hold the number of tokens purchased, the number of remaining tokens, and when they were due to expire.

For more information on these structures, see User and Account Objects.


Deprecated in the latest Perfecto UI.

The following table lists and describes the possible values for the status property in a User's record.

Status Description
PENDING The User has self-registered and is awaiting approval from an administrator. Until activated, the User cannot log in to the Lab.
ACTIVE The User is activated and can log in to the Lab.
INACTIVE he User has been deactivated and in no longer able to log in to the Lab.
DELETED The User has been deleted and is no longer able to login to the Lab. When deleting Users, their record is marked as deleted but not actually deleted.


Each User is assigned a set of Roles that controls the operations the user can run and the resources the user can access. For example, adding the AUTOMATION role to a User allows that user to perform automation operations, and adding the PRE_RELEASE role allows that user to access devices that are not yet released.


Deprecated in the latest Perfecto UI.

To use devices, a User must have at least one token in their Account. Each token represents a minute of usage time per device and must be purchased prior to use.

In general, tokens can be purchased as packages, for example 10 hours worth of tokens, and added to the User's Account using the Add Tokens to User operation. However, if you purchase a package that offers an unlimited number of tokens, you must update the User's Account using the Update User operation.

Each time tokens are added to the Account using one of the prescribed operations, a new order is added to the account recording the details of the transaction. A list of token orders can be obtained using the Get User Tokens operation.


The user operations use the same security as other API operations with the following additional requirements:

  • Only users with administrative credentials can perform these operations.
  • Operations can only be run from specific servers designated for user management


The following operations are supported through the REST API in this group: