Splunk | Schedule Quantum/Splunk monitors with Jenkins

Use Jenkins to schedule your monitors for execution.

Important: This document includes references to a third-party product, Splunk. The user interface and usage of third-party products are subject to change without notice. For the latest published information about Splunk, see https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation.


Read about Jenkins usage.

Ensure that the Maven Integration Plugin is installed on your Jenkins instance.

Set up your first job

  1. Click on the Jenkins logo to ensure you are on the home page of Jenkins and then click New Item.

  2. Provide a Job name, select Maven as the job type, then click OK.

  3. Under the Source Code Management section enter in your URL to your Git/SVN repo and add credentials to access the repo if necessary.

  4. Under Build Trigger check the box that says Build Periodically and enter a cron expression value to schedule the job. To read more about the syntax you can press the blue question mark next to the input box.

  5. Under the Build section select your Maven Version. In the goals add the following (edit to match your folder structure under the Quantum Config directory):

    clean test -DtestngXmlFile=folderPathUnderConfigDirectory/testNg.xml

    In POM add the following: quantum-starter\pom.xml

  6. Click save and your job is ready to go.

  7. Test out your job by clicking Build Now on the Job configuration page.